Articles by Joe Bugental

Photo of Joe BugentalJoe Bugental is a former managing editor of User Experience magazine

A Life of Design and Innovation (Book Review)

A review of The Man Who Designed the Future: Norman Bel Geddes and the Invention of the Twentieth-Century America by B. Alexandra Szerlip [Read More]

Pay Attention (Book Review)

A review of Ambient Commons by Malcolm McCullough. It’s all about paying attention – or not. [Read More]

Privacy Meets Technology: Two Views of “The Circle” (Book Review)

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Two responses to The Circle by David Eggers. Lessons on privacy, information, and technology [Read More]

UX Professionals + Stakeholders (Book Review)

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A review of It's OUR Research by Tomer Sharon.
In this compendium of experts’ advice, you’ll find useful nuggets that haven’t been recorded anywhere else. [Read More]

Editor’s Note: Reality Trumps Preconceptions


Six views on the role of trust in user experience, from professionals who are working to develop on-the-ground definitions of that T word. [Read More]

Editor’s Note: Behind the Scenes


Are you interested in adding a working editor’s notch to your resumé? Our volunteer staff is always interested in growing with new talent. [Read More]

WUD in Manila: An Interview with Regnard Raquedan

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Editor Joe Bugental talks to usability consultant Regnard Raquedan about last year’s World Usability Day, celebrated in the Philippines, and his plans for this year’s event. [Read More]

Editor’s Note: Designing for Social Change


This issue’s theme of “Designing for Social Change” focuses on the challenge of UX design for constructive social change. [Read More]

Editor’s Note: Communicating the Usability Message Around the World

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This issue's theme of “Communication” bring the experiences of contributors in several international settings to our global community of readers. [Read More]

Coping Daily with Green Ethics

World Usability Day

The conundrums of living sustainably will only be resolved when wiser professionals step back and look at the big picture. [Read More]

Book Review: Design Problems in Book Form

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This book was written for everyone, about everything, and it covers a wide range of topics but is skimpy on details and specific information. [Read More]

Book Review: Assisted Loving

The book is a consciousness-raiser for family members who are dealing with aging seniors as they enter new phases of their lives. [Read More]

Editor’s Note: User and Market Research

At the risk of oversimplifying, most marketing professionals would probably say there is no difference between a vertical market and what usability professionals call a specific user profile or persona. Marketing’s traditional focus is on demographic information supported by large sample sizes. User research, on the other hand, traditionally focuses more on the specific user’s […] [Read More]