Articles by Mohd Sohel
With a graduate degree in computer sciences from IETE, Sohel is a talented software engineer by trade and a creative and knowledgeable tech blogger by passion.
Building UX into Development: Create the Ultimate Customer Portal
A customer portal is more than just an add-on to a customer support team. Customer portals are like a second home to customers, helping them solve their problems on the go. User experience is crucial in designing a customer-centric portal and should be involved early in the development process. [Read More]
Customer Experience: A Major Factor in Customer Portal Success
Customer portals—employed across almost every industry and the internet—can integrate customer experience (CX) into a UX design to drive customer satisfaction and success. UX and CX are fields of their own, but each will complement the other to improve portal designs. The critical element in creating an effective customer portal with efficient UX is to ensure the portal accomplishes what customers expect without compromising the features that connect a company’s engine for up-selling and cross-selling or that give the user a unique experience. There are five features that should be included to enhance customer experience in any customer portal. [Read More]