Articles by Rudy Rucker

Photo of RudyRudy Rucker is a writer, a mathematician, and a former computer science professor. He received the Philip K. Dick award for his cyberpunk novels Software and Wetware, available in the Ware Tetralogy. He recently published his autobiography, (ital)Nested Scrolls, and a beatnik sci-fi novel, Turing & Burroughs, featuring Alan Turing and William Burroughs wreaking havoc on 1950s America. More info at @swinefever

采访科幻小说作家Rudy Rucker: 科幻小说中的用户界面

Photo of Rudy

Rudy Rucker谈论了用户界面,从语音识别、手势操作、眼动跟踪,到他自己用无声语言和意念命令来激活操作的发明。 [阅读详情]