Articles by UX Magazine

UX Magazine is edited by volunteer members of the UXPA - User Experience Professionals Association.

Really How Many Users Do You Need to Test (Issue 4.4)

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How many users are really enough - three articles tackle this question, along with agile and the market value of technology. (Articles available in Acrobat PDF format) [Read More]

Matters of Life and Death (Issue 4.3)

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From living wills to managing your UX business, global UX and e-learning websites. (Articles available in PDF format) [Read More]

Moving into the Executive Suite (Issue 4.2)

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Changing organizations from inside and out. (Articles available in PDF format.) [Read More]

Usable Voting (Issue 4.1)

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Observations from U.S. elections and automotive interfaces. (Some articles available in PDF format.) [Read More]

Power Play (Issue 3.3)

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Games, gamers, emotions and storytelling. (Full text not available) [Read More]

The Power of One (Issue 3.2)

Global UX with views from India, Israel, Canada (Full text not available) [Read More]

Citizen-Centric Computing (Issue 3.1)

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Remote or in-person, solo or in teams, and designing a government portal. (Full text not available) [Read More]

Pretending to Be You (Issue 2.2)

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Usability testing, using personas for evaluations and using emotion in design. (Full text not available) [Read More]

East Meets West (Issue 2.1)

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Global design, research-based guidelines, and automated usability testing. (Full text not available) [Read More]

What’s Love Got to Do with It? (Issue 1.3)

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Articles on the ROI of usability and designing for emotions. (Full text not available) [Read More]

Lessons Learned (Issue 1.2)

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Articles on home computing, TV interfaces, search and working as a development manager. (Full text not available.) [Read More]

The First Issue (Issue 1.1)

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The first issue of User Experience Magazine. The lead article is on strategic usability. [Read More]