Write for Us: Information for Authors

Do you have an idea for an article that can inspire and inform practitioners in the field?

Write for User Experience Magazine.

We are looking for articles that give a new perspective on a UX topic, describe a method, sum up a best practice, or share how you solved a problem on a project. We are also interested in articles that explore a controversy in the field, reflect on current trends, have a humorous side, or are a great visual – sketchnote or infographic.

Above all, they must be interesting and engaging, inviting readers to think about our work in a new way.

We do not accept guest posts or sponsored content.

We also publish book reviews.

Send us your pitch

Deadlines and themes for each issue are announced on this page, but we welcome ideas for articles at any time. Articles are typically between 1,700 and 2,500 words.

Send your proposal to uxmagazine at uxpa dot org. We prefer simple text in an email. Please include:

  • What will you write about and how will you tell the story? One or two paragraphs describing the article and how you will illustrate your ideas with strong examples.
  • What will readers learn from your article? A summary of the main points you will make.
  • Why are you the right person to write this article? Briefly, describe your experience and expertise in the topic.

Our authors are working UX professionals with a story to share. We don’t accept sponsored content, blog posts, articles that have been published elsewhere, or PR interviews.

This is a professional magazine, not a technical or academic journal. There are no literature surveys or footnotes. Articles are practical in nature and are written in an active, personal voice, speaking to your colleagues.

We expect to hear from the principal author directly.

And then?

The editorial team – a group of volunteer UXers – will review your proposal and decide whether to accept it for publication. You will hear back about a week after the deadline.

If accepted, you will write a draft, which is due 3 weeks later. Then, you will work with an editor who will help refine your article and gather everything we need for publication like your bio, illustration credits, and other permissions.

2023 Issues

23.1: Trust and Credibility – June/July 2023

Submissions Accepted March 1 – March 20, 2023


23.2: Careers and Basics – August/September 2023

Submissions Accepted June 2- June 23, 2023


23.3:  Inclusive Design and Conversational Experiences – December 2023

Submissions Accepted September 15 – October 6, 2023

Book Reviews

User Experience publishes reviews of books with a focus or potential influence on user experience, usability, or design effectiveness. In addition to books specifically about usability, this may include books on business, human perceptions, psychology, sociology, and other fields relevant to UX. We prefer books that have been published recently or are in a new edition.