Taxi! Service Design for New York’s Yellow Cabs

As digital information spaces augment physical places, new location-based services will emerge for riding cabs, as well as many other civic, urban, and commercial experiences. [Read More]

Safer Skies: Usability at the Federal Aviation Administration

Study of user communities that make up the air traffic control system and the information, navigation and communication technologies they use. [Read More]

Listen Up: Do Voice Recognition Systems Help Drivers Focus on the Road

The availability of Sync and voice recognition technology in vehicles, although not perfect, enable drivers to interact with their mobile devices in a safer, less distracting manner. [Read More]

Get Your Bearings: User Perspective in Map Design

Awareness of perspective and the implications of mental rotations are needed when making different kinds of maps and way-showing, affecting our sense of direction daily and in emergencies. [Read More]

Lost in Space: Holistic wayfinding design in public spaces

Wayfinding design, a combination of signage with spatial structures, must be a collaboration between urban planners, urban/architectural designers, and visual communication designers. [Read More]

A Really Smart Card: How Hong Kong’s Octopus Card moves people

A challenge for designers is to improve user experiences with public transportation to encourage people chose public transportation over cars and help reduce carbon emissions. [Read More]

Recommendations on Recommendations: Making usability usable

Guidelines for developing useful and usable recommendations—that is, recommendations that are likely to be accepted, implemented, and that significantly improve the system. [Read More]

The View From Here: Expertly Parked

man and bicycle

A concern for cyclists is access to safe and convenient parking. Development of a comprehensive range of parking products is facilitated by listening to cyclists’ needs. [Read More]

What’s News: Can We Talk? Conversing with Your Car

Cursing the driver who swerved in front of you is one thing, but cursing at your own car is quite another. It may become increasingly common as cars take on an ever-expanding role of keeping those in the driver’s seat driving safely. [Read More]

Editor’s Note: Mobility, Usability, and Transportation: Design a Go-Go

UX (magazine logo)

This issue explores how transportation impacts culture and society and to examine how people interact with vehicles, infrastructure, technologies, security, and finding their way through an environment. [Read More]

Rubes: Anachronism


Cartoons from the wild and twisted world of Leigh Rubin, syndicated cartoonist. [Read More]