Articles about Diversity

An Introduction to Design Justice (Book Review)

Maria Flores

A review of Design Justice, by Sasha Costanza-Chock, introduces the practice of design justice, an approach that aims to challenge structural inequalities. [Read More]

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Inclusive Design Plus Accessibility

Sarah Paglliaccio

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the United States and across the globe result in inclusive and accessible design principles that can be implemented in everyday practice. [Read More]

Activism and COVID-19: Older Southeast Asian Women Embracing Technology

A study describing how older women in Southeast Asia have used technology to spread positivity and creativity during COVID-19. [Read More]

Sesame Street, Letter Blocks, and Augmented Reality: Increasing Engagement and Learning

Lessons learned designing non-linear play experiences for a hybrid of classic letter blocks and character-driven tablet content. [Read More]