Articles about Education

UX Governance for Education in the Time of COVID-19

Bar graph: 47% existing commitments exclude ability to attend in person, 21% online learning the only way to pursue interest, 21% employer incentive or partnership, 8% school reputation, and 4% other.

Presents a case for the need to create UX governance structures to guide the development of online education during COVID-19. [Read More]

Time Change: How the UX of Time Begins Below the UI

One-month calendar with list of times showing for chosen date.

This article discusses the challenges faced, the importance of UX research, and the research process in the Indian manufacturing industry in the era of the Internet of Things. [Read More]

UX Education: The Rise of Educational Programs

An image of a hand-drawn user experience workflow, handed over from one person to another.

With the rise of online educational programs, the UX industry may soon start emphasizing not only a candidate's experience, but also certification. [Read More]

By Teaching We Learn: Add Value to Your Career, Workplace, and the UX Community Through Mentoring

Mentorship is one of the best ways to learn in the UX field. With many different types of mentorship available, it’s easy to get started as a mentor or mentee. [Read More]

Industry-Academic Collaborations: Fostering a UX Talent Pipeline and Discovering Win-Win Opportunities

The growing need for UX practitioners is driving academic institutions and industry to find innovative ways to blend research, professionalization, and teaching to inspire and train people to enter the workplace. [Read More]

Educational Technology in Mexico: Developing New Tools for Students in Latin American

Designing effective learning tools and technology for education in Mexico requires an understanding of the diverse cultural, economic, and political issues unique to the region. [Read More]