Articles by Gerry Gaffney

Photo of Gerry GaffneyGerry Gaffney runs Information & Design, a UX consultancy in Melbourne, Australia and is the Director of Publications for UXPA. He produces the User Experience podcast ( @gerrygaffney

The Dystopian Experience: Technology and UX in Science Fiction

Frankenstein monster

Dystopian sci-fi can make us more aware of the potential negative consequences of technology that we might not otherwise be able to imagine. [Read More]

Announcing User Experience Online

Handwritten design notes

Beginning now, each new issue will also be available online, right here, in a site that will work on your laptop or mobile phone. The magazine archives are available to the entire UX community, for open access. [Read More]

Not So Strange, These Fictions 
(Book Review)

Book cover

A review of Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction by Nathan Shedroff & Christopher Noessel The implications for the design of mechanical controls, visual interfaces, volumetric projection, and gesture – all brought to life through examples. [Read More]

A Book That Talks (Book Review)

Book cover

A review of Practical Speech User Interface Design by James R. Lewis. Recommended for students and seasoned practitioners with an interest in design of speech user interfaces. [Read More]

Book Review: Of Testing and Techniques

Book cover: Beyond the Usability Lab

A review of Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale Online User Experience Studies by Bill Albert, Tom Tullis, Donna Tedesco. This book is well-structured for practitioners of remote usability testing. [Read More]

Sustainable Data Centers: The Dirt on Clean Computing

Creating efficient data centers with significantly lower environmental impacts is attainable and highly desirable for economic reasons. [Read More]

Deal Them Again: Card Sorting Revisited (Book Review)

A whole book on card sorting? This book is replete with solid advice, clearly written and illustrated, and well supported by case studies and examples. [Read More]

Editors’ Note: A Fascination with Forms

A few years ago, when we needed a book on usable forms to recommend to a client, there was little available. Now there are several, two of which (one our own) are reviewed in this issue. In the course of researching our book, we came across Robert Barnett, the distinguished Australian leader in the world […] [Read More]