Articles by Gerry Gaffney

Photo of Gerry GaffneyGerry Gaffney runs Information & Design, a UX consultancy in Melbourne, Australia and is the Director of Publications for UXPA. He produces the User Experience podcast ( @gerrygaffney


Frankenstein monster

ディストピア(反ユートピア)を描いたSFは、他の方法では想像することのできない、テクノロジーがもたらすネガティブな結果を認識するのに役立つ場合がある。 [続きを読む]

(English) Announcing User Experience Online

Handwritten design notes

(English) Beginning now, each new issue will also be available online, right here, in a site that will work on your laptop or mobile phone. The magazine archives are available to the entire UX community, for open access. [続きを読む]

これらの小説、それほど不思議ではない (書籍レビュー)

Book cover

Gerry Gaffneyが、Nathan ShedroffとChristopher Noessel共著の「Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction」に関し、機械的制御の設計、ビジュアルインターフェイス、量的予測、ジェスチャーについて、サイエンスフィクションの文献の例を引用しながら、分かりやすく説明する。 [続きを読む]

(English) A Book That Talks (Book Review)

Book cover

(English) A review of Practical Speech User Interface Design by James R. Lewis. Recommended for students and seasoned practitioners with an interest in design of speech user interfaces. [続きを読む]

(English) Book Review: Of Testing and Techniques

Book cover: Beyond the Usability Lab

(English) A review of Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale Online User Experience Studies by Bill Albert, Tom Tullis, Donna Tedesco. This book is well-structured for practitioners of remote usability testing. [続きを読む]

(English) Sustainable Data Centers: The Dirt on Clean Computing

(English) Creating efficient data centers with significantly lower environmental impacts is attainable and highly desirable for economic reasons. [続きを読む]

(English) Deal Them Again: Card Sorting Revisited (Book Review)

(English) A whole book on card sorting? This book is replete with solid advice, clearly written and illustrated, and well supported by case studies and examples. [続きを読む]

(English) Editors’ Note: A Fascination with Forms

申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 English のみです。 [続きを読む]