Articles by Heather Nam

Photo of HeatherHeather Nam is the director of usability research at Mediabarn Inc. Located in Reston, Virginia, Mediabarn is a strategic interactive agency that offers design and development services as well as professional placement services and a state-of-the-art usability testing lab. Heather has moderated several thousand research interviews and usability sessions for a variety of products, industries, and services.

可用性脚本和主持人指南:两 种工具还是 一 种工具?与研究受访者沟通

可用性脚本是主持人和参与者之间的一种主要沟通工具,但研究人员不应依赖脚本。其实,应该利用脚本将重要信息以一致的方式传达给测试参与者,并且主持人应将其作为一种工具来在整个测试过程中引导受访者。 [阅读详情]