Articles by Indrani Medhi
Indrani Medhi is an associate researcher in the Technology for Emerging Markets Group at Microsoft Research India (MSR India) in Bangalore. Her research interest is in the area of Ethnographic UI Design and Technology for Socio-Economic Development. Her work at MSR India has been in UI and UX design for low-literate and novice technology users among low-income communities in the developing world. She has a Masters degree in Design and is completing her Ph.D. at the Industrial Design Centre, IIT, Bombay, India.
El Destino de la Pizarra Digital
Un prototipo para una tableta de bajo costo que facilitaba el control de la desnutrición infantil en zonas rurales de la India se topó con imprevistos socio-tecnológicos más allá de la usabilidad en las pruebas en terreno. [Leer más]