Articles by Patricia J. Flanagan

Photo of PatriciaDr. Patricia Flanagan is a visual artist and assistant professor at the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University. She is head of the Wearables Lab and a Jewelry Studio. She is also an established artist with an international reputation. Her work has been exhibited in Australia, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, and China. Flanagan’s work has been published in numerous books and journals including Kunstforum, Germany’s leading Arts Journal, the Irish Sculpture Society Journal, and ArtReach Magazine in Australia.

2029: 时尚未来主义

Futuristic headdress

未来的时尚,例如服装,它是身体与外部世界之间的界面。作为表达数据的一种方式,对未来的时尚和服装进行诠释是很重要的。 [阅读详情]