HCI for Peace: An Invitation to Positive Action

image of faces with doves in the heads

Human-computer interaction (HCI) provides novel opportunities for user experience professionals to design technologies that promote specific human values such as peace. [Read More]

Engaging with Mental Health: Opportunity for Collaboration

screencap of computer game

Collaboration between human-computer interaction (HCI) and mental health professionals can play a valuable role in future research on mental health technologies. [Read More]

Persuasion Invasion: Using Facebook for Behavioral Change

Wattsup Facebook application

Social media has the potential for generating positive behavior change by influencing us to adjust our behavior to align with that of our peers. [Read More]

Voting in New York City: Why is Ballot Design so Hard to Get Right?

New York City ballot

There is movement toward reform and improved ballot design in New York. We need more user experience people getting involved with elections and civic life. [Read More]

Accounting for Social Change in Design

Designing for social change does not mean using design to change society. It means design that takes into account the fact that it will change society. [Read More]

Ghana Calling: Dust, Multiple SIMs, and Music Sharing

image of cell phone

Everyday mobile phone use in Accra, Ghana, has some unique challenges, but it is similar to mobile phone use in other parts of the world. [Read More]

Mobile Technology: Design for Social Change

When designing mobile UIs for use in developing markets and we must adhere to the first rule of user experience design, “Know your users,” [Read More]

Never Too Old: Incorporating Digital Technologies into the Lives of Older Persons

photo of elderly people using computers

We need to learn how older people use technology to determine when and how to implement accessibility features rather than always seeking a “special” solution. [Read More]

A Design Method for
 BOP Users: Products for Social Innovation

graphic from instruction tutorial

When developing products for 90 percent of the world, in order to create acceptable devices, designers need to resolve belief conflicts between themselves and target users. [Read More]

Designing on Mars: Participatory Design and Training in Very Unfamiliar Environments


Gathering information in an unfamiliar cultural context is time-consuming. Described here is the technique adopted by a team of the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) in response. [Read More]

What’s News: Mommy, Can I Play with Your iPhone?

photo of the Woogie

The Woogie, a stuffed animal into which you can insert your iPhone, helps childproof your phone, however parents must monitor the content their children view. [Read More]

Book Review: Of Testing and Techniques

Book cover: Beyond the Usability Lab

A review of Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale Online User Experience Studies by Bill Albert, Tom Tullis, Donna Tedesco. This book is well-structured for practitioners of remote usability testing. [Read More]

Editor’s Note: Designing for Social Change


This issue’s theme of “Designing for Social Change” focuses on the challenge of UX design for constructive social change. [Read More]

Rubes Cartoon: Floss Daily

Cartoons from the wild and twisted world of Leigh Rubin, syndicated cartoonist. [Read More]