Articles about 图形学

用户体验信息图:需谨记的 9 大原则

《使用九个视觉效果不同的信息图介绍用户体验原则》概述了信息图设计原则。 [阅读详情]


眼动追踪研究结果表明,人物图像能够引起用户的注意,并且对用户处理网页的方式和对网页的看法有重大影响。 [阅读详情]


Book covers

关于《地铁地图详解》(Underground Maps Unravelled) 和《维格纳利交通地图》(Vignelli Transit Maps) 的书评。对当今专业人员面临的设计问题的分析。 [阅读详情]

图表:化无形为有形 (书评)

Book cover

A review of Designing Diagrams: Making Information Accessible through Design by Jan Gauguin.
One recent and five classic books about diagramming, the visual depiction of structures and processes that help us to understand and to interact with complex information. [阅读详情]

图形设计:两种观点 (书评)

A review of Graphic Design: A New History by Stephen J. Eskilson and Graphic Design Solutions by Robin Landa [阅读详情]

(English) Book Review: Do’s and Don’ts of Information Graphics

book cover

(English) A review of The Wall Street Guide to Information Graphics: The Do's and Don'ts of Presenting Data, Facts, and Figures by Dona M. Wong. Guide to creating information graphics that are usable, useful, and appealing, especially in the business and advertising world. [阅读详情]

(English) Developing a Symbol System for the Healthcare Industry

Health symbols

(English) A project to create symbols to help patients and families navigate through hospitals, in any language or with low literacy. [阅读详情]

(English) Information Graphics: An Eclectic Celebration

(English) Guidebooks on effective visual communication are frequently published for those who have not been exposed to information design and visualization, often obscuring similar publications of decades past. [阅读详情]