Articles about 语音交互

非接触式交互: 利用语音和手势沟通

Drawing of face and speech waves

在工厂自动化和医疗保健领域,非接触式沟通正变得越来越普遍。 更为统一的手势和更轻松的交互,对于赢得人们的接纳而言至关重要。 [阅读详情]

(English) What’s News: Voice Recognition Technology Aiming Higher

(English) With permanent voice recognition features appearing in popular consumer products, technology is becoming more an auditory and verbal experience than a manual and visual one. [阅读详情]

(English) A Book That Talks (Book Review)

Book cover

(English) A review of Practical Speech User Interface Design by James R. Lewis. Recommended for students and seasoned practitioners with an interest in design of speech user interfaces. [阅读详情]

(English) Point, Counterpoint: What Three Experts Say about Speech Usability

(English) Interview with three professionals who represent the range of educational backgrounds currently involved in speech technology design and are currently working in the speech industry. [阅读详情]