Articles by Amy Willis

Amy Willis HeadshotAmy has been applying user experience design principles since before she knew there was a field called "user experience." After obtaining a master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction at DePaul University, Amy worked at Designkitchen, Sears, and as the director of user experience and visual design at Pathfinder Software where she designed mobile applications for healthcare.

의료에 있어서의 UX: 시작하기 전에 알아야 할 사항

의료 어플리케이션 설계는 환자의 프라이버시와 안전 우려, 그리고 법적 규정은 물론이고 애플리케이션 사용 환경에 특별한 주의를 기울여야 합니다. [자세히 읽기]