Articles by Edward Cutrell

Photo of Edward CutrellEdward Cutrell manages the Technology for Emerging Markets (TEM) group at Microsoft Research India. Ed has been studying everything from novel interaction techniqes to interfaces for search and information retrieval. His current research focuses on Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D), seeking to understand how people in the world’s poor and developing communities interact with information technologies, exploring new ways for technology to meet their needs and support socio-economic development.

デジタル石板 の行方

A digital slate with hands using it

多くのUXの専門家が知っているように、実際の導入の際に発生する予期していなかった問題というのは、システムのユーザビリティに関する当初の楽観的な見通しを一瞬にして暗転させてしまう場合がある。 [続きを読む]