Articles by Michael Beasley

Photo of Michael BeasleyMichael Beasley is the measurement team lead at Pure Visibility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He launched its UX practice, bringing together usability testing and IA with Pure Visibility’s experience in web analytics. Mike has an MSI degree in HCI from the University of Michigan and is the author of the forthcoming book Practical Web Analytics for User Experience.

Argumentación: Completando los Tests de Usabilidad con la Analítica Web

Analytics graph

El uso de datos cualitativos permite planificar tests de usabilidad y analizar los resultados obtenidos revisando qué partes de su sitio visitan sus usuarios. [Leer más]

(English) Power in Numbers: Measuring Usability with Web Analytics

Image of Google Analytics page

(English) Web analytics provide usability professionals working with websites an opportunity to gain deeper insight into their users and communicate the value of their work. [Leer más]