Diemer, T., Friedman-Berg, F., Allendoerfer, K., Zingale, C. (2008). (English) Safer Skies: Usability at the Federal Aviation Administration. User Experience Magazine, 7(4).
Retrieved from https://oldmagazine.uxpa.org/safer_skies/?lang=zh
Todd Diemer works at User Centric as a user experience specialist with a wide range of skills including user research, multimedia design and production, and technology education. His extensive time spent in West Africa and Southeast Asia gives him a unique perspective on how designs are perceived in emerging markets. He has a B.A. in Mass Media Productions and an M.S. in Human Computer Interaction.
Dr. Ferne Friedman-Berg is a Federal Aviation Administration engineering research psychologist. She has conducted air traffic control research for over six years.
Kenneth Allendoerfer is an engineering research psychologist with the Federal Aviation Administration, where he has spent more than ten years evaluating air traffic control systems.
Dr. Carolina Zingale has been an engineering research psychologist with the FAA Human Factors Atlantic City team since 2005, and previously supported the group as a contractor for over three years.