Articles about Customer Experience

Customer Experience: A Major Factor in Customer Portal Success

Mohd Sohel

Customer portals—employed across almost every industry and the internet—can integrate customer experience (CX) into a UX design to drive customer satisfaction and success. UX and CX are fields of their own, but each will complement the other to improve portal designs. The critical element in creating an effective customer portal with efficient UX is to ensure the portal accomplishes what customers expect without compromising the features that connect a company’s engine for up-selling and cross-selling or that give the user a unique experience. There are five features that should be included to enhance customer experience in any customer portal. [Read More]

Tor Browser: Changing How You Access the Internet

Letterboxing allows users to change their window size and still protects them from being tracked.

Get a sense of users' expectation mismatch when using a privacy-first browser versus how the browser needs to work to protect privacy. [Read More]

Driving User Centricity: Remotely Building an Experience Vision

Screenshot of a remote video call including 20 Red Hatters, or people in red hats.

Even when in-person collaboration is not possible, virtual tools and workshops can align a distributed team around an Experience Vision for a product ecosystem. [Read More]

Technology Moats: The Dark Pattern of Intentional Friction Barriers

Photo of a pizza on a plate on a table

Corporations desire to hear their customer complaints…or do they? We take a close look at ways companies use technology to raise the drawbridge on customers. Technology barriers exist for many reasons; some are good and some are bad. Automated customer service systems can speed up the support process for customers while cutting costs for businesses. But when they are designed to slow customers down, they risk becoming a "technology moat": an intentional obstacle to make customers think twice before proceeding. In this article, you will learn the difference between technology moats and dark patterns and how to spot them. [Read More]

Best Practices for Asian Language Site Localization

Localizing your site for Asia may mean a radically different design, brand-new elements, or country-specific SEO. [Read More]

Human-to-Human Interaction Style in Voice User Interface Design

Voice-enabled devices are gaining the ability to mimic human-to-human interactions fairly well. This article outlines some general guidelines to consider when designing voice user interfaces. [Read More]

Startups and UX: Relating Success to Good UX Practices

Research conducted on startups in Detroit, Michigan proves that the success of any startup hinges on the employment of UX to feed the ROI. [Read More]

Using Kano across Enterprise Healthcare UX

The Kano model enables representation of customer satisfaction with product features. In this article, two enterprise designers share an Excel and a Tableau template that can be used in usability or survey research. [Read More]

Understanding User Motivation: Creating Compelling IoT Experiences

Understanding how IoT technologies impact everyone in the household is key to designing intuitive, compelling experiences. [Read More]

Leading the Rebels: A UXer’s Guide to Shifting Your Organization to Customer-Centricity (Book Review)

A review of Transform by Gerry McGovern. A resource for UX professionals who want to make their organizations more customer-centric. [Read More]

Keep Asking “Why?” Curiosity, Delighting in Difference in Asia

Staying curious and hungry for new clues to context helps UX designers to build empathy with users and create intuitive solutions that address individual needs and aspirations. [Read More]

Regaining Trust: What to Do AFTER a Security Breach

Handling a security breach has UX implications. Three case studies of how Home Depot, Wendy’s, and Omni Hotels responded to such incidents show how to maintain and regain customer trust after a breach. [Read More]

The Quest for the Better Me: Helping You Be, Do, Feel, and Look Better

Help people be, do, feel, and look better to create products that are designed to win both the hearts and minds of their customers [Read More]

Go Holistic: Assess the Maturity of Your Organization Via the Customer Experience

Industry leaders focus on the big picture: the end-to-end customer journey or experience. Here’s how to gauge the level of CX development in your organization. [Read More]