Articles about 软件开发
(English) On a Path to Transparent Collaborations: Weave
(English) A UX designer explores the challenges of collaboration between designers and developers and applies these insights in a tool to facilitate their communication. [阅读详情]
打造 帮会 :将您的用户体验团队提升到超级英雄的地位
UX Guilds can be an effective model to scale UX by empowering non-UX team members to make appropriate design decisions. [阅读详情]
This article discusses the challenges faced, the importance of UX research, and the research process in the Indian manufacturing industry in the era of the Internet of Things. [阅读详情]
设计系统需要大量的组织工作。业者可以按照这些实用的提示来获得认可并为未来制定清晰的愿景。 [阅读详情]
了解一组用户体验从业人员和架构师如何调整敏捷方法来改进产品、团队绩效和工作满意度。 [阅读详情]
哥斯达黎加的这项案例研究对软件开发组织与软件开发新手在可用性评估方面的不同观点进行了探究。 [阅读详情]
在看了开发人员的时间表后,Martin 开始在项目早期的定义阶段的“空闲”时间里让团队从一开始就参与有关用户和可用性的工作 [阅读详情]
用户体验杂志邀请 Jeff Gothelf 分享他在敏捷软件开发过程中整合用户体验设计的经验。他通过一系列的案例总结了其中的经验教训,并且解释了他在这一过程中作为一个负责流程的经理和一个团队领导者自身角色的演变。 [阅读详情]
卷起袖子:UX 团队中的开发人员
通过给您的 UX 团队增加一名开发人员,您可以改善合作条件,一并绕过调度和安排工作先后问题 [阅读详情]
(English) Editor’s Note: User Experience Development: What? So What? Now What?
(English) In this issue, we seek to integrate the worlds of UX and software development in order to create better products, services, and user experiences. [阅读详情]
(English) Making Forms Accessible: Accessible Forms Help all Users
(English) Development of an accessible pdf form for students with disabilities that provides both the required level of usability and accessibility and the necessary backend features. [阅读详情]
(English) Forms on the Go: Usable Forms for the Mobile Web
(English) Designing forms for the mobile web confronts unique challenges that are difficult to test and are not completely in the developer’s control. [阅读详情]
(English) Absent, Undefined, Undervalued: Usability in Technology Research Firm Software Evaluations
(English) Usability practitioners should understand how their management decides upon enterprise software, reading and responding to reports in order to ensure usability is a key factor in the decision-making process. [阅读详情]