Articles by David Rollert
David Rollert’s first user research was as a young designer in 1982, when the marketing people did a focus group with retirees, who pronounced the 2-inch high text on a home information service to be “too small” on the 27-inch TV set. (We later figured out that the contrast was too low.) Twitter @davidrollert
적절한 조사 기법의 선택: A, B, C만큼 쉽다

적절한 연구 기법을 선택한다는 것은 질문과 제약을 고려해 이치에 맞는 것을 수행한다는 의미입니다. 먼저 태도, 행동, 이해라고 하는 간단한 ABC(Attitude, Behavior, Comprehension) 논의부터 시작하십시오. [자세히 읽기]