Articles by Ed Israelski

Photo of Ed IsraelskiEd Israelski, Ph.D. is a director of human factors at Abbott, a medical device and pharmaceutical company, where he leads a cross-division team to embed best-practice human factors design methods into all of Abbott’s products, to ensure safety and usability. He is a Certified Human Factors Professional and a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

토탈 리콜: 의료기기 사용성을 간과한 결과

Leg with the words No surgery here no no no written on it

지난 5년 동안, 미국 식품의약국(FDA)은 사용하기 어렵다는 이유로 50개 이상의 의료기기를 회수하였습니다. [자세히 읽기]