Articles by Sawad Brooks

For over 15 years, Sawad Brooks has led projects across a broad array of industries, including the public sector, WGBH, Children’s Television Workshop, and OneNYC. He has been invited to speak at The MoMA and other international venues, and has taught at Brown University and Parsons School of Design. Twitter: @Rrrgggbbb

e-러닝이 배우는 것: 디지털 학습 도구를 디자인하기 위해 데이터 이용하기

e-러닝 도구가 학생들로부터 배울 때 학습을 재미있고 효과적으로 만드는 개인화된 경험을 만들어냅니다. [자세히 읽기]