Articles about Crianças

Interfaces divertidas: design de experiências interativas para crianças

O aprendizado de como os traços cognitivos e físicos das crianças afetam sua interação com telas sensíveis ao toque ajuda os designers a criar experiências encantadoras para todos os públicos, independentemente de idade e grau de alfabetização. [Leia mais]

Vila Sésamo, blocos de letras e realidade ampliada: Aumentando o envolvimento e a aprendizagem

Lições aprendidas ao desenvolver experiências não lineares de jogo para um híbrido de blocos de letras clássicos e conteúdo de tablet orientado para personagens. [Leia mais]

Virando o Bit: Reapresentando a tecnologia para as crianças como mídia criativa

Two young children using a tablet

A tecnologia pode exercer muitos papeis. Ela pode ser uma parceira, atora ou provedora, ajudando as crianças a criarem experiências que moldam seus ambientes e seu próprio desenvolvimento. [Leia mais]

Testar ensinando: aprendizagem entre iguais, um método de avaliação de usabilidade para crianças

Two children at a computer

A tutoria entre pares ajuda a envolver e estimular as crianças durante o teste de usabilidade. O contexto social torna o teste mais natural, resultando em descobertas mais ricas. [Leia mais]

(English) Electric Racer to Promote Literacy: A Game for Two Inter-Generational Players

(English) This study indicated that educational gameplay benefited from clarity around players’ roles, enabling parents’ participation, furthering the learning process for the child players. [Leia mais]

(English) What’s News: Mommy, Can I Play with Your iPhone?

photo of the Woogie

(English) The Woogie, a stuffed animal into which you can insert your iPhone, helps childproof your phone, however parents must monitor the content their children view. [Leia mais]

(English) MESS Days: Working with Children to Design and Deliver Worthwhile Mobile Experiences

A child's design

(English) Designing with children adds a new dimension to user experience design and usability testing. Our understanding in how children can best contribute is still developing. [Leia mais]

(English) Designing for Children: Supporting Positive Youth Development through Social Media

(English) Positive Technological Development aims to assist children in bettering their world through improving their technological literacy. [Leia mais]

(English) Testing by Minors: Risk Prevention for UX Pros

(English) When conducting testing with children, full disclosure and reasonable procedures are your best defense against potential legal complications. [Leia mais]

(English) You Need an Outlet and a Browser: How Children Understand and Use the Internet

(English) Children are not the most effective Web users and more research is needed to explore children’s mental models related to Internet use. [Leia mais]

(English) Looking Closely at e-Learning: Vision Research Reveals Ways to Improve Children’s Experiences

children looking at a laptop

(English) Research on the effects of children’s long-term computer use is extremely limited; there remain key research questions that need to be answered. [Leia mais]

(English) The Story Behind the One Laptop per Child PC: An Inteview with Yves Béhar

XO-1 laptop

(English) Yves Béhar is the designer behind the One Laptop per Child Personal Computer (OLPC). He is interviewed by User Experience guest editor Cynthia Kamishlian. [Leia mais]

(English) Designing
 for Children
 with ADHD: The Search for Guidelines for Non-Experts

photo of smartphone and stylus

(English) Expert designers sensitive to established usability guidelines should be capable of designing software that is suitable for both ADHD and non-ADHD children. [Leia mais]

(English) Kidsteam: Co-designing Children’s Technologies with Children

child's design

(English) Adults and children work together as part of Kidsteam to design new technologies for children using a low-tech prototyping experience. [Leia mais]

(English) Keep It Simple. 
At First: Designing Game-Based
 Tools for Youth

screencap from video game

(English) Research with adolescent World of Warcraft players indicated design strategies that will help make Massive Multiplayer Online Game more accessible for individuals of all ages. [Leia mais]

(English) Designing Technologies for Marginalized Children

(English) Information and communication technologies provide great opportunities and challenges for marginalized children both in developed and developing regions. [Leia mais]

(English) Editor’s Note: Combining Children, Technology, and Usability


(English) This issue addresses our understanding and insights into how children interact with technology and how usability professionals can include children in the design process. [Leia mais]

(English) Superphone to the Rescue!

Phone screens

(English) Cell phones with kid finders and one button emergency calls. Music on a memory stick. [Leia mais]

(English) The First Issue (Issue 1.1)

Magazine cover

(English) The first issue of User Experience Magazine. The lead article is on strategic usability. [Leia mais]