Articles about Crianças
Interfaces divertidas: design de experiências interativas para crianças
O aprendizado de como os traços cognitivos e físicos das crianças afetam sua interação com telas sensíveis ao toque ajuda os designers a criar experiências encantadoras para todos os públicos, independentemente de idade e grau de alfabetização. [Leia mais]
Vila Sésamo, blocos de letras e realidade ampliada: Aumentando o envolvimento e a aprendizagem
Lições aprendidas ao desenvolver experiências não lineares de jogo para um híbrido de blocos de letras clássicos e conteúdo de tablet orientado para personagens. [Leia mais]
Virando o Bit: Reapresentando a tecnologia para as crianças como mídia criativa
A tecnologia pode exercer muitos papeis. Ela pode ser uma parceira, atora ou provedora, ajudando as crianças a criarem experiências que moldam seus ambientes e seu próprio desenvolvimento. [Leia mais]
Testar ensinando: aprendizagem entre iguais, um método de avaliação de usabilidade para crianças
A tutoria entre pares ajuda a envolver e estimular as crianças durante o teste de usabilidade. O contexto social torna o teste mais natural, resultando em descobertas mais ricas. [Leia mais]
(English) Electric Racer to Promote Literacy: A Game for Two Inter-Generational Players
(English) This study indicated that educational gameplay benefited from clarity around players’ roles, enabling parents’ participation, furthering the learning process for the child players. [Leia mais]
(English) What’s News: Mommy, Can I Play with Your iPhone?
(English) The Woogie, a stuffed animal into which you can insert your iPhone, helps childproof your phone, however parents must monitor the content their children view. [Leia mais]
(English) MESS Days: Working with Children to Design and Deliver Worthwhile Mobile Experiences
(English) Designing with children adds a new dimension to user experience design and usability testing. Our understanding in how children can best contribute is still developing. [Leia mais]
(English) Designing for Children: Supporting Positive Youth Development through Social Media
(English) Positive Technological Development aims to assist children in bettering their world through improving their technological literacy. [Leia mais]
(English) Testing by Minors: Risk Prevention for UX Pros
(English) When conducting testing with children, full disclosure and reasonable procedures are your best defense against potential legal complications. [Leia mais]
(English) You Need an Outlet and a Browser: How Children Understand and Use the Internet
(English) Children are not the most effective Web users and more research is needed to explore children’s mental models related to Internet use. [Leia mais]
(English) Looking Closely at e-Learning: Vision Research Reveals Ways to Improve Children’s Experiences
(English) Research on the effects of children’s long-term computer use is extremely limited; there remain key research questions that need to be answered. [Leia mais]
(English) The Story Behind the One Laptop per Child PC: An Inteview with Yves Béhar
(English) Yves Béhar is the designer behind the One Laptop per Child Personal Computer (OLPC). He is interviewed by User Experience guest editor Cynthia Kamishlian. [Leia mais]
(English) Designing for Children with ADHD: The Search for Guidelines for Non-Experts
(English) Expert designers sensitive to established usability guidelines should be capable of designing software that is suitable for both ADHD and non-ADHD children. [Leia mais]
(English) Kidsteam: Co-designing Children’s Technologies with Children
(English) Adults and children work together as part of Kidsteam to design new technologies for children using a low-tech prototyping experience. [Leia mais]
(English) Keep It Simple. At First: Designing Game-Based Tools for Youth
(English) Research with adolescent World of Warcraft players indicated design strategies that will help make Massive Multiplayer Online Game more accessible for individuals of all ages. [Leia mais]
(English) Designing Technologies for Marginalized Children
(English) Information and communication technologies provide great opportunities and challenges for marginalized children both in developed and developing regions. [Leia mais]
(English) Editor’s Note: Combining Children, Technology, and Usability
(English) This issue addresses our understanding and insights into how children interact with technology and how usability professionals can include children in the design process. [Leia mais]
(English) Superphone to the Rescue!
(English) Cell phones with kid finders and one button emergency calls. Music on a memory stick. [Leia mais]
(English) The First Issue (Issue 1.1)
(English) The first issue of User Experience Magazine. The lead article is on strategic usability. [Leia mais]