Articles about 選挙
高齢者は、投票などの重要な事柄にiPadを使用することができるだろうか。長期介護施設に入居している高齢者は、利用には前向きだがタッチ式のインタラクションには困難があった。 [続きを読む]
投票のデザインはどうして上手くいかないのか? [続きを読む]
(English) Accessible, Private, and Independent Voting: The Prime III Voting System
(English) The Prime III Voting System is pursuing the ultimate goal of electronic voting systems; a single design that allows everyone to vote privately and independently. [続きを読む]
(English) The View From Here: Ballot Forms
(English) If elections are to accurately reflect the will of the people, then ballots should be designed so that all voters can easily understand and use them. [続きを読む]
(English) Usable Voting (Issue 4.1)
(English) Observations from U.S. elections and automotive interfaces. (Some articles available in PDF format.) [続きを読む]
(English) The Power of One (Issue 3.2)
(English) Global UX with views from India, Israel, Canada (Full text not available) [続きを読む]