Articles about 远程测试

(English) Remote User Research: Opportunities for Adoption in Asia

(English) Language Intro (75 words) Introduction, translated into 5 languages Asia is experiencing a user research boom, with the number of professionals growing rapidly. However, remote research as a practice is still not widely accepted across all Asian countries, due in part to low awareness of tools available. To become successful, remote research platforms need to adapt to the diversity of potential recruits in Asia and make it easier for researchers to screen, schedule, and compensate participants, as well as complete translations seamlessly. [阅读详情]

(English) Virtual Techniques to Gather User Data for Optimal UX (Book Review)

Remote Usability Testing

(English) Remote Usability Testing includes virtual techniques and digital UX methods used to gather user data in real time to make design decisions. This book provides detailed steps and considerations to gather user data, analyze that data, and translate those findings into design decisions. [阅读详情]


遵循最佳实践的系统性用户研究能够产生良好的结果,但是这些结果是否“可靠”或“有效”呢?本文将介绍我们如何将这些社会科学概念运用于用户体验研究。 [阅读详情]

Research in a Box(盒装研究):试验一种新方法

“Research in a Box”是一种邮寄给参与者的套件,这是一种经济高效的远程用户体验研究方法,它使 Walgreens 能够收集分散于各地的团队成员的反馈意见。 [阅读详情]


当在新的大样本研究工具中使用参与用户的视频时,用户体验专业人员可以担任正确处理道德难题的把关者。 [阅读详情]


虽然有些人认为敏捷、用户体验实践和远程工作是不可能的组合,但如果仔细管理,它们是可以共存的。 [阅读详情]


有了适当的战略和工具,分布式设计团队就可以保持卓有成效的沟通和充满创意的协作。 [阅读详情]


远程移动可用性测试有自己的挑战。了解进行此类测试的工具的基本要求将有助于您选出最适合研究的工具。 [阅读详情]

(English) Book Review: Of Testing and Techniques

Book cover: Beyond the Usability Lab

(English) A review of Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale Online User Experience Studies by Bill Albert, Tom Tullis, Donna Tedesco. This book is well-structured for practitioners of remote usability testing. [阅读详情]

(English) Automated Usability Testing: A Case Study

(English) Although not useful in all circumstances, unmoderated remote tests can compensate for a lack of direct observation and interaction. [阅读详情]

(English) The Client Speaks: Supporting Participation in Remote Moderated Research

(English) Remote user testing is primarily employed when speed, convenience, or international testing is called for. However, there are practical qualitative benefits to using remote methodologies, as well. [阅读详情]

(English) A Moderated Debate: Comparing Lab and Remote Testing

(English) Unmoderated tests provide more data, but don’t automatically provide insight. Strong pattern recognition and hypothesis development skills are necessary for interpretation. [阅读详情]

(English) An Attainable Goal: Quantifying usability and user experience

(English) Client companies are coming to appreciate the importance of quantifying a website’s usability and user experience and the role usability plays in a website’s success. [阅读详情]