Articles about 要求事項


効果的か効率的なデザインレビューを、自分たちの組織で実施しよう。この手法は、それぞれ的を絞った3回のレビューで構成される。 [続きを読む]


Login screen image

貴方がアジャイル開発環境で働くデザイナーであれば、全体像を把握しないまま、詳細部分の反復にばかりに集中している気分になったことはないだろうか?アジャイルデザインのチームでは、製品の一つの特長に注目し、その特長が最もパーフェクトな状態であるように作業を反復する。 [続きを読む]

(English) Analyze This: A Task Analysis Primer for Web Design

Screen image

(English) A deep dive into task analysis: how it is used, and why, too often, we ignore one of the most helpful tools in our toolboxes. [続きを読む]

(English) Model-driven Inquiry: A Streamlined Approach to Data Collection

(English) Contextual design models can be developed through exploratory modeling, providing a potentially useful framework to guide and speed up the later modeling activities. [続きを読む]

(English) Taking Aim: The Power of User Experience Goals

(English) A user experience goal is a choice made by your product team about what kind of experience you want your users to have with your product or service. [続きを読む]

(English) Capturing User Requirements in Health and Social Care: Applying UML for unambiguous communication

(English) An approach to the Unified Modeling Language that captured what is possibly the most comprehensive set of aging healthcare requirements documented in Australia, and possibly worldwide. [続きを読む]

(English) Citizen-Centric Computing (Issue 3.1)

Issue cover

(English) Remote or in-person, solo or in teams, and designing a government portal. (Full text not available) [続きを読む]