Articles about 文档化
设计系统需要大量的组织工作。业者可以按照这些实用的提示来获得认可并为未来制定清晰的愿景。 [阅读详情]
人们阅读文档的六大原因,以及作者的写作风格如何基于不同的用户需求和动机而改变。 [阅读详情]
通过观察、游戏风暴、共创实践和故事连环画让客户支持团队帮助设计一个聊天界面,让 UX 团队领会到协作的价值。 [阅读详情]
用户看重教程。教程可帮助用户利用隐藏在用户界面背后的功能。用户如此看重教程,这很令人惊讶,因为很多教程是没有用处的 [阅读详情]
(English) Role Reversal: Testing for Ease of Learning and Recall
(English) When testing a software package, include traditional roles found in a pyramidal training model but also a reversed, "train the trainer" round. [阅读详情]
(English) Help! Where Is It When You Need It?
(English) Provide form instructions on a separate web page and place a “Help” link at the beginning to help users who prefer or require “up front” instructions to complete the form. [阅读详情]
(English) Capturing User Requirements in Health and Social Care: Applying UML for unambiguous communication
(English) An approach to the Unified Modeling Language that captured what is possibly the most comprehensive set of aging healthcare requirements documented in Australia, and possibly worldwide. [阅读详情]