(English) Will the Machine Take Over? Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (Book Review)

Nathaniel Revathi

(English) A review of AI Ethics by Mark Coeckelbergh. An introduction to the importance of ethical considerations within the field of Artificial Intelligence. [阅读详情]

(English) Driving User Centricity: Remotely Building an Experience Vision

Screenshot of a remote video call including 20 Red Hatters, or people in red hats.

(English) Even when in-person collaboration is not possible, virtual tools and workshops can align a distributed team around an Experience Vision for a product ecosystem. [阅读详情]

(English) Games UX Testing with Artificial Intelligence

Example map of a game level featuring fenced in green space with buildings, trees, rocks, and so on. There are colored lines depicting the paths each AI-agent has taken and their engagements with point of interest (such as enemies and collectables).

(English) Game developers gain insights from working on projects that use game evaluation tools supported by artificial intelligence. [阅读详情]

(English) Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots—Creating Positive Experiences

Dabby Phipps, Jon Temple and Jason Telner

(English) This article describes UX considerations and the interaction designer’s role in building artificial intelligence applications. Challenges, best practices, and examples of building chatbots are discussed. [阅读详情]