Articles about

(English) Remote User Research: Opportunities for Adoption in Asia

(English) Language Intro (75 words) Introduction, translated into 5 languages Asia is experiencing a user research boom, with the number of professionals growing rapidly. However, remote research as a practice is still not widely accepted across all Asian countries, due in part to low awareness of tools available. To become successful, remote research platforms need to adapt to the diversity of potential recruits in Asia and make it easier for researchers to screen, schedule, and compensate participants, as well as complete translations seamlessly. [阅读详情]


驾驶员辅助系统旨在提高驾驶的便利性和安全性。这可以通过良好的用户体验设计和考虑文化差异来实现。 [阅读详情]

(English) UX in Southeast Asia: Examples Across Current UX Maturity Levels

(English) The article explores the current state of UX in Southeast Asia and provides three examples from across the UX maturity spectrum. [阅读详情]

(English) Cultural Dimensions of Chinese-American Websites

(English) This article highlights the current state of UX in Southeast Asia and provides examples from across the UX maturity spectrum. [阅读详情]

(English) Best Practices for Asian Language Site Localization

(English) Localizing your site for Asia may mean a radically different design, brand-new elements, or country-specific SEO. [阅读详情]

Mechanical Turk:无需海量资金即可快速扩大研究规模

通过 Mechanical Turk,用户体验研究人员可以进行快速、可扩展并且经济实惠的研究,同时还能测试产品对国际受众的可用性和适宜性。 [阅读详情]


像微博、阿里巴巴和小米这样的中国科技公司正在通过用户体验来扩大自身的业务,将客户群变为粉丝团。 [阅读详情]


在设计全球研究项目的时候,需要对文化差异保持敏感。经常与国际客户合作的东京研究人员分享了有关在日本开展用户体验研究的技巧。 [阅读详情]


结合采用战略性的定量跟踪和定性跟进调查,可以揭示产品中对业务和用户体验影响重大的隐藏问题。 [阅读详情]


保持好奇心并渴望获得有关背景的新线索,有助于用户体验设计师与用户产生共鸣和创建直观的解决方案,以满足个人的需求和愿望。 [阅读详情]


台湾的研究人员开发出一种基于软件的治疗手段,以帮助世界上越来越多的痴呆症和老年痴呆症患者康复。 [阅读详情]


能够促进网上社区形成的界面,亦能提升社交互动的质量。这对每个人有利无弊。 [阅读详情]


Book cover

对 Gary Marsden 所著的《There’s Not An App for That》(没有一种这样的应用)的评论。深入考虑您的设计方法以及您还可以采取的不同方法。 [阅读详情]


行业领导者通常关注大局:端到端客户历程或体验。这篇文章讲述如何衡量贵组织的客户体验开发水平。 [阅读详情]


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关于孙华同 (Huatong Sun) 所著《跨文化技术设计》(Cross-Cultural Technology Design) 的书评。本书对了解文化期望和当地环境所面临的挑战进行了分析。 [阅读详情]

适合新兴市场的移动应用程序:覆盖 2.15 亿受众

新兴市场涉及 60 多种语言和 2.15 亿受众,设计适合这一市场的移动应用程序需要综合考虑设计、技术、用户体验和简单性。 [阅读详情]


巴西和新西兰的八位用户体验专家对全球用户体验研究的见解。在这两个截然不同的国家,研究工具、喜爱的资源以及对工作的热爱却是共通的。 [阅读详情]


尽管南美洲存在文化多样性的挑战,但是该地区的用户体验领域正在逐渐兴起。一些国家的用户体验专业人员正在创建地区性组织,以举办活动和建立社群。 [阅读详情]


当了解了有助于做出决策的文化线索之后,您便能够使网站更容易使用。 [阅读详情]


了解如何在巴西、哥伦比亚和墨西哥有效地开展用户体验研究,包括参与者筛选、翻译、现场调查、观察和界面设计方面的技巧。 [阅读详情]


随着面向移动应用而设计的全球网站越来越多,将网站内容翻译成多种语言正变得越来越重要,尤其是对全球化企业而言。 [阅读详情]


Small group working around a table.

MIT 的用户体验研究人员为秘鲁利马本地创意行业的参加者举办了一个用户体验设计研讨会。他们介绍了研究、构思、概念开发和改进等方面的关键方法。 [阅读详情]


全渠道战略必须考虑文化背景。了解在公共场合使用手机的安全问题如何影响了在巴西推广手机钱包的考虑因素。 [阅读详情]

(English) Designing an Arabic User Interface: Methods and Techniques for Bridging Cultures

(English) Designing an effective Arabic user experience by understanding how cultural and linguistic issues are tightly woven together. UX designers became "cultural translators." [阅读详情]

我们很快都将成为全球化的 UX 从业者

Book covers

对 Whitney Quesenbery 和 Daniel Szuc 所著《Global UX》(全球用户体验)以及 Robert Schumacher 所著《The Handbook of Global User Research》(全球用户研究手册)的评论 [阅读详情]

昨日世界 – 我们能从传统社会中学到些什么

Jared Diamond in a sketchnote

我们的速记员兴致勃勃地参加了多本畅销科普图书的作者 Jared Diamond的一场演讲会,并记录下自己对传统社会学到了什么。 [阅读详情]


Telepresence computer system

一项关于 Google 团队内部远程协作的研究得出结论:普遍使用的视频会议有助于克服分布在不同地域的团队面临的诸多难题。 [阅读详情]


通过改变团队流程、行为和时间表,能够改善不同地方团队之间的沟通,确保不会遗漏设计的微妙之处。 通过调整思考和沟通的方式,团队可以学习如何跨越国界传达设计的微妙之处,确保没有差异或误解。 [阅读详情]

UX 面临的非传统机会:BRICS 及其他

Map with Kazakstan

随着西方文化越来越重视有社会责任感的投资,用户体验专业人员可以帮助解决发展中国家/地区的各种常见问题。 [阅读详情]

边缘之上: 超越西方科幻作品中的用户体验

亚洲科幻作品受经典西方小说启发,同时其灵感也来自于本土文学传统。中国、印度和日本的创作手法揭示了基于不同文化的创造力。 [阅读详情]



用户体验实践的影响与全球商业环境密切相关,但是不同的地区有不同的政治和社会体系,从而形成多样化的商业环境。 [阅读详情]


面向印度金融包容性的移动货币 [阅读详情]

沙尘、多 SIM 卡和音乐共享

image of cell phone

除了谈论农产品价格和孕产妇保健信息之外,在撒哈拉以南国家加纳,手机日常用户还常谈论到沙尘、拥有多个 SIM 卡以及音乐和视频共享。 [阅读详情]

针对 BOP 用户的设计方法:适合社交创新的产品

graphic from instruction tutorial

世界人口的 90% 属于被称为金字塔底部 (BOP) 的社会经济阶层。在针对 BOP 用户设计时,我们使用了 Takeo Saijo 的结构构成主义理论。 [阅读详情]

(English) Designing on Mars: Participatory Design and Training in Very Unfamiliar Environments


(English) Gathering information in an unfamiliar cultural context is time-consuming. Described here is the technique adopted by a team of the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) in response. [阅读详情]

谈谈 UX:UX 设计中的沟通

UX 全在于沟通。UX 专业人员要取得成功就必须擅长沟通。不过,沟通不仅仅意味着出言谨慎。当进行现场研究时,UX 专业人员会掉到很多“沟通陷阱”中 - 某些陷阱不易被察觉,因而更危险。沟通可以成就 UX 设计项目,也可以损害 UX 设计项目,并会对职业发展产生很大影响。因此,UX 专业人员意识到潜在的沟通陷阱并成功避免这些陷阱是非常重要的。 [阅读详情]


美国国家癌症研究所 (NCI) 于 2009 进行了一项用户调查,目的在于更好地了解诸如拉美裔等未获得周到服务的受众以及为其提供服务的医疗保健专业人员的在线健康信息需求。 [阅读详情]


Fieldwork, Inc. 是一家美国公司,涉足美国、欧洲、亚洲和远东市场,拥有 30 年的面对面一手数据收集经验,来自该公司的两位运营副总裁重点介绍了不同国家/地区在实际设施、技术、招聘做法和文化特质方面所遇到的一些差异。 [阅读详情]

(English) Stepping In: An Outsider’s Guide to Crossing the Digital Divide

(English) "Bridging the Global Digital Divide" teams are looking at new interaction technologies and design practices for users whose lives could be transformed by advances in computing and communication. [阅读详情]

(English) Global Usability Testing: How to plan and report tests in multiple locations

(English) The success of moderated usability testing of a product in several countries in a short time is depends on careful planning and preparation. [阅读详情]

(English) A Mandate for Usability: A Mexican manifesto on usability and accessibility for government websites

(English) Discussion of the signing of the “Manifesto on Usability and Accessibility for Mexican Government Websites” at the conclusion of the Usability and Accessibility for the Web International Seminar (UA Web 2007). [阅读详情]

(English) ¿Habla Español?: Testing and Designing for U.S. Latino Users

(English) This article discusses a series of cross-cultural usability studies run with Spanish speaking immigrants to the U.S., looking in particular at their special characteristics and challenges. [阅读详情]

(English) Design Competitions Succeed in Spreading the Usability Message

(English) World Usability Day 2006 festivities varied with social and professional cultures that celebrated the day. Several cities organized design competitions to redesign existing systems that maximize usability. [阅读详情]

(English) Creating a Global Team and a Global Infrastructure

(English) With events across forty countries and five continents, outstanding media coverage, and feedback from organizers and volunteers, World Usability Day 2006 were deemed a huge success. [阅读详情]

(English) A World Usability Day Case Study: Conducting Multinational Expert Reviews

(English) For international organizations, feedback from users at the local level is essential to product success. Organizing multinational events and sharing the results can help achieve business goals. [阅读详情]

(English) COMMUNICATION GAP: Designing an Interface for Chinese Migrant Workers

(English) China has many possibilities when designing for emerging markets, for example, improving the quality of communication between migrant worker parents and their children. [阅读详情]

(English) Usability Practice in China: An Update

(English) Since the study of user experience is a source for technological innovation and building a human-centered society, we expect a bright future for usability in China. [阅读详情]

(English) Usability Opportunities in China

(English) China has advanced rapidly in the usability field. In several senses, China has opened up to the world, and opportunities are there for the global usability professional community. [阅读详情]

(English) Usability Engineering in Hong Kong

(English) Because usability is at its beginning stages in Hong Kong, there are great opportunities here to learn more about Eastern users and their needs. [阅读详情]

(English) Usability Engineering in Japan

(English) There is a long history of usability testing, in practice if not in name, in Japan. Professional organizations for usability, outside of the academic context, are just taking off. [阅读详情]