Articles about 设计
(English) Designing Curiosity: A Beginner’s Guide
(English) Curiosity is powerful. How can we be more curious? Is it possible to invite others to be curious as well? [阅读详情]
(English) Best Practices for Asian Language Site Localization
(English) Localizing your site for Asia may mean a radically different design, brand-new elements, or country-specific SEO. [阅读详情]
(English) The Cost of Bad Design (Book Review)
(English) Tragic Design, by Jonathan Shariat and Cynthia Savard Saucier, reveals how design choices can negatively impact users and provides techniques to avoid harmful design decisions. [阅读详情]
(English) The Fourth Lens: Making Design Thinking Work for Digital Health
(English) When designing healthcare experiences, we need to prove the effectiveness of our solutions as much as we need to consider their desirability, feasibility, and viability. [阅读详情]
(English) Human-to-Human Interaction Style in Voice User Interface Design
(English) Voice-enabled devices are gaining the ability to mimic human-to-human interactions fairly well. This article outlines some general guidelines to consider when designing voice user interfaces. [阅读详情]
(English) Five Years of UX Research Operations Improvements at Novo Nordisk: A Retrospective Reflection
(English) Over the past five years, Novo Nordisk has systematically iterated and improved on their UX research processes, increasing the design influence on product development. [阅读详情]
Startups and UX: Relating Success to Good UX Practices
Research conducted on startups in Detroit, Michigan proves that the success of any startup hinges on the employment of UX to feed the ROI. [阅读详情]
Are designers the key to closing the trust gap? They might be. This article showcases the practicalities of how. [阅读详情]
如何设计情感智能技术 (书评)
A review of Emotionally Intelligent Design by Pamela Pavliscak. This book provides guidance on how to incorporate an emotional layer into Design Thinking. [阅读详情]
一些建筑方案能够通过建筑设计改善人类健康。这篇文章探讨了如何将这些模式转化为符合道德的用户体验设计方法。 [阅读详情]
生态系统并不仅仅由各种功能和组织构成。用户之旅可以扩展整个体验生态系统,其中包含多个接触点。 [阅读详情]
负责任的体验设计认识到,设计可以结合社会的不确定性和焦虑,并提供解决方案,以实现业务目标,同时保护最终用户。 [阅读详情]
遵循物联网设计的某些原则可以帮助改善用户体验并缓解技术故障引起的焦虑。 [阅读详情]
设计系统需要大量的组织工作。业者可以按照这些实用的提示来获得认可并为未来制定清晰的愿景。 [阅读详情]
预先设计面向未来的内容将为在所有设备、发布平台及将来的内容渠道上提供有用的内容建立坚实的基础。 [阅读详情]
(English) Beyond Player Experience: Designing for Spectator-Players
(English) Crafting meaningful and engaging games for spectator-players requires new UX research and design methods. [阅读详情]
在不同的虚拟现实效果中畅游,了解如何结合技术平台和摄影技术来营造这些效果。 [阅读详情]
图书馆越来越多寻求用户体验方面的专业技能,希望借此更好地为公众服务。 [阅读详情]
使用大数据和分析,可以增强传统的静态导航方式,智能地预测您的用户试图触及的内容类型。 [阅读详情]
在您的组织内领导有效和高效的设计审查。这一方法包括三轮有目标的审查。 [阅读详情]
如果要打造能够得到客户真心认可的产品,帮助人们提升状态、表现、感受和形象将至关重要。 [阅读详情]
(English) Sesame Street, Letter Blocks, and Augmented Reality: Increasing Engagement and Learning
(English) Lessons learned designing non-linear play experiences for a hybrid of classic letter blocks and character-driven tablet content. [阅读详情]
在使用制作高保真原型的新工具时,必须使用同样高保真修饰和真实的内容进行测试。 [阅读详情]
对 Vijay Kumar 所著的《101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization》(101 种设计方法:可推动组织创新的一种结构化方法)的评论。本书提供了关于创新和设计思维的指南。 [阅读详情]
随着英国政府数字服务 (GDS) 部门的发展,由网站设计师和产品经理进行的内部可用性测试表明,他们需要海量的设计模式。 [阅读详情]
为帮助学生针对用户体验职业生涯做好准备,设计专业应注重培养灵活应变能力、实验思维、批判性思维和有效沟通能力。 [阅读详情]
恰到好处的信息可视化能为客户解决他们在纳税申报单方面的困扰,帮助做出正确的财务决策。 [阅读详情]
新颖的空间布局和多步动画可帮助医务人员比较两个药物列表,快速选择药物以调整列表,减少错误。 [阅读详情]
了解人们为什么会产生各种行为、感受、想法、体验并选择自己的做法,能够从文化角度为我们带来丰富的洞见,从而能够以此为依据设计或构建有意义和能够引起共鸣的用户体验。 [阅读详情]
地球的另一边如何生活:巴西和新西兰的用户体验设计 [阅读详情]
限制用户在应用中的行为可能是鼓励这种行为的一种有效方法。限制可以激发用户采取行动。 [阅读详情]
对于健康领域的设计师而言,审查、访谈和检验固然重要,但是同理心研究具有更为关键的意义,这是他们理解慢性疾病患者需求的关键。 [阅读详情]
遵循“满足用户期望”、“确保状态可见性”以及“避免分散用户注意力”这三条致力于流畅感的原则,可为用户带来安心无忧的体验并吸引其参与互动。 [阅读详情]
这是对 Dorian Peters 的“Interface Design for Learning”《学习界面设计》一书的书评。 这本书介绍了如何设计产品来改变用户。 [阅读详情]
这是对“Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All”《创造性信心:释放我们的创造潜力》一书的书评,这本书的作者是 Tom Kelley 和 David Kelley。 该书讲述了创意和设计在用户体验中的作用。 [阅读详情]
让我们来看看四种能轻松地劝说和诱导人们从浏览过渡到购买的劝说式设计模式。 [阅读详情]
绞尽脑汁来获得新颖的想法?试试 DesignLibs,一个让潜在用户填写剧情中缺失关键字的设计工具。 [阅读详情]
从科幻小说到科学事实: 如何用设计影响未来
科幻小说塑造了我们的集体想象力,并推动技术的发展。实际上,科幻小说是影响未来科技的原型工具。 [阅读详情]
简化并不是很容易的事。从根本上讲,在体验设计方面简单是件好事,但通常是有代价的。例如,在流程或代码中需要一些复杂的内容来让用户界面变得简单。角色开发方法使得用户体验团队能够以更加以人为本的方式构建网站和最大程度地满足用户需求。 [阅读详情]
列奥纳多•达芬奇是文艺复兴人的典型代表,他集画家、雕塑家、建筑师、科学家、数学家、土木工程师、发明家、地质学家、作家等角色于一身 [阅读详情]
(English) Shaker Design: Out of this World (Book Review)
(English) A review of several books on the Shakers, noting the ways in which they pioneered what we would call today “user-centered design.” [阅读详情]
(English) Solving Interaction and Design for All: Tackling UX Challenges with Accessibility Insights
(English) Focusing on accessibility objectives can help surface UX issues go beyond “accidental benefits” and improve a product or site’s overall usability through accessibility insights. [阅读详情]
(English) What’s News: Simplifying Web Design and Management
(English) Platformic is making breakthroughs in web management usability, thanks to its ability to develop CSS without needing a programmer or web design software. [阅读详情]
(English) Making Forms Accessible: Accessible Forms Help all Users
(English) Development of an accessible pdf form for students with disabilities that provides both the required level of usability and accessibility and the necessary backend features. [阅读详情]
(English) What Do You Mean? How to Write Good Questions
(English) When designing forms, a background in survey methodology and social research can facilitate a transition into user-centered design. [阅读详情]
(English) Redesigning Centrelink Forms: A Case Study of Government Forms
(English) Daunting as they are to develop, government forms with improved usability save money by reducing the need to contact customers, correct errors, and deal with bad data. [阅读详情]
(English) Formally Speaking: Two Guidebooks about Designing Forms
(English) Two books about designing forms, similar in subject matter but contain different approaches to defining problems, providing solutions, and presenting their approach in book design storytelling. [阅读详情]
(English) Resuscitating the User Experience: A Touchscreen Systemfor EMS and Fire Rescue Professionals
(English) When updating a touchscreen medical record program, a user-centered design process fixed a number of critical usability issues and resulted in a user experience and financial success. [阅读详情]
(English) Designing Interactive TV with Users in Mind
(English) The User-led Interactive Television Services (UITS) project addresses barriers to audience use of new media through empirical studies and distribution of study results within a knowledge transfer network. [阅读详情]
(English) Design Competitions Succeed in Spreading the Usability Message
(English) World Usability Day 2006 festivities varied with social and professional cultures that celebrated the day. Several cities organized design competitions to redesign existing systems that maximize usability. [阅读详情]