Articles about 以用户为中心设计

(English) Inclusive Design (Book Review)

Inclusive Design

(English) Inclusive Design for a Digital World includes practical advice and strategies for designing inclusive and accessible products that take into consideration best practices used around the world. These strategies also ensure that people who have auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, visual disabilities, or situational challenges with access are fully able to use products we design. [阅读详情]


驾驶员辅助系统旨在提高驾驶的便利性和安全性。这可以通过良好的用户体验设计和考虑文化差异来实现。 [阅读详情]

(English) UX in Southeast Asia: Examples Across Current UX Maturity Levels

(English) The article explores the current state of UX in Southeast Asia and provides three examples from across the UX maturity spectrum. [阅读详情]

(English) Cultural Dimensions of Chinese-American Websites

(English) This article highlights the current state of UX in Southeast Asia and provides examples from across the UX maturity spectrum. [阅读详情]

(English) Creating and Implementing a Scorecard System to Increase Organizational User Experience Maturity

A group of musicians giving a concert on stage, including a piano player, drummer, and stand-up bass.

(English) In this article, the author walks through the process they used to build and roll out a user-centric scorecard to help teams increase UX maturity. [阅读详情]

(English) Can Voice-Driven Virtual Assistants Help Eliminate Physician Burnout?

Photo of a physician in an examining room recording patient information on a tablet; there is a subset screenshot of a medical record with a microphone symbol.

(English) Cumbersome medical software is a leading cause in physician dissatisfaction and burnout. But that story could change if physicians had a voice-driven virtual medical assistant. [阅读详情]

(English) Human-to-Human Interaction Style in Voice User Interface Design

(English) Voice-enabled devices are gaining the ability to mimic human-to-human interactions fairly well. This article outlines some general guidelines to consider when designing voice user interfaces. [阅读详情]

(English) Designing Great Voice User Interfaces—More than Creating Good Conversations

Figure 1. Voice user interfaces in our everyday devices.

(English) Interactive voice responses (IVR) have been becoming ubiquitous in customer support call centers since the early 2000s. But designing for these conversational experiences presents unique challenges compared to traditional graphical user interfaces. To help readers navigate this emerging space, the authors share a case study in researching and designing for the IBM Technical Support Phone System. [阅读详情]

(English) Empathy on a Many-to-One Basis: Navigating Empathy When You Cannot Agree with Everyone

(English) In this article, Angela Madsen breaks apart the construct of empathy as a one-to-one or one-to-many ratio, and she proposes a paradigm shift that incorporates many-to-one thinking. [阅读详情]


在增强现实方面,人们对技术的重视程度通常高于用户体验。在有关增强现实的讨论中,我们需要更加重视用户体验。 [阅读详情]

设计思维和 SAFe® 敏捷:USAA 以人为本的设计 (HCD)

USAA 正在融合传统的 IT 驱动敏捷方法与设计思维原则,为成员提供更好的数字体验。 [阅读详情]


在派对气氛中进行用户研究越来越受欢迎,但也伴随着道德风险和方法论问题。 [阅读详情]


了解儿童的认知和身体特征对他们的触摸屏交互有何影响,能够帮助设计师为所有年龄和文化水平的受众创造出轻松愉快的体验。 [阅读详情]


随着人们对于云端应用程序的使用日益增长,可用性专业人员需要定义一个框架,将用户需求融合到云实施流程中。 [阅读详情]


《验证产品创意》(Validating Product Ideas) 的书评,书籍作者为 Tomer Sharon。有关为何、何时及如何针对产品设计来开展用户研究的指南。 [阅读详情]


《假设性设计》(Presumptive Design) 的书评,书籍作者为 Charles Lambdin 和 Leo Frishberg。利用推测来创建设计解决方案的指南。 [阅读详情]


产品设计通常侧重于通过推出新功能和提升标准指标来实现渐进式创新。要打造带有深厚情感联系的产品,我们不仅要考虑功能,还要考虑象征意义。 [阅读详情]


《用户之旅:故事构图打造出受欢迎的产品》(The User’s Journey: Storymapping Products that People Love) 的书评,书籍作者为 Donna Lichaw,该书提供了一个易理解的框架,帮助设计师创建良好用户体验。 [阅读详情]


规划良好的内容战略是内容开发和交付的指南,也是使组织能够应对更广泛目标的一种工具。 [阅读详情]


要创出兼具道德和人性的产品,用户体验设计师必须拥有三项关键能力:透彻、广泛和深入思考。 [阅读详情]


关注不足这一概念有助于找到理解用户,设计满足他们需求的产品以及充分利用他们资源的新方法。 [阅读详情]


面向因年老而大脑功能衰退者或几乎没有电脑操作经验的人设计网站时,需要严格定义网站功能、明确工作流程并最大限度减少页面干扰。 [阅读详情]


为反对亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 的非营利机构设计网站需要考虑许多特殊情况,必须确保将幸存者的安全放在第一位。 [阅读详情]


公司高管们越来越认同好设计便等于好生意。用户体验真的成为“战略性”优势了吗?用户体验专业人员能否把握当今的机遇? [阅读详情]

让用户成为共同创造者: 以玩家为中心的游戏设计

Hands holding game controller

如何让适合敏捷流程的游戏设计做到“以用户为中心”,并将玩家的反馈和由实际用户提供的信息融入其中。 [阅读详情]


非营利性用户体验不同于营利性设计,但这两个领域可通过互相交流方法而受益。简单了解一下“对方”在做什么可以为我们的工具包提供新花样。 [阅读详情]


基于当前研究的分析来建立了一个框架,在设计辅助技术过程中考虑老年人需求时用作基准或评审工具。 [阅读详情]


数字界面是其创造者的延伸,用户每次与这些界面交互时都会感受到创造者的个性。这解释了为什么需要“以人为本”的设计。 [阅读详情]


设计者采用以用户为中心的设计 (UCD) 流程,为波兰最大的能源生产商建立了内部网。其中,用户研究和内容优先策略是成功的关键。 [阅读详情]


在巴西,以用户为中心设计会充满挑战,因为在那里组织的用户体验成熟度很低。团队必须克服管理层对以用户为中心设计的抵触,并驾驭各种文化因素的影响。 [阅读详情]


Small group working around a table.

MIT 的用户体验研究人员为秘鲁利马本地创意行业的参加者举办了一个用户体验设计研讨会。他们介绍了研究、构思、概念开发和改进等方面的关键方法。 [阅读详情]


地球的另一边如何生活:巴西和新西兰的用户体验设计 [阅读详情]


在健康保健领域的用户体验设计中,了解使用背景非常重要。有太多的电子健康档案可用性较差,因为这些档案在设计时没有适当考虑用户体验。 [阅读详情]


医院的设计是一项充满人类因素的挑战。良好的信息标志可帮助患者在庞大的园区内快速找到自己的路。 [阅读详情]

(English) Usability Maturity Models: Making your Company User-Centered


(English) A well-documented and researched usability maturity assessment, addressing different organizational viewpoints, is a good first step in improving usability capability. [阅读详情]

(English) The Classy Classic: Designing the User Interface (Book Review)

book cover

(English) This updated edition of a text about designing user-interfaces is testament to the evolution of these and other related topics the past two decades. [阅读详情]

(English) Forms Management: What Forms Managers Think About

(English) To create really good electronic forms, as with paper forms, you need to consult with all parties to assess fully their needs. [阅读详情]

(English) Designing Spaces for Dementia: An Interview with Terry Carson

(English) An interview with Terry Carson, the owner of residential facilities for people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. [阅读详情]

(English) Lost in Space: Holistic wayfinding design in public spaces

(English) Wayfinding design, a combination of signage with spatial structures, must be a collaboration between urban planners, urban/architectural designers, and visual communication designers. [阅读详情]

(English) Resuscitating the User Experience: A Touchscreen Systemfor EMS and Fire Rescue Professionals

(English) When updating a touchscreen medical record program, a user-centered design process fixed a number of critical usability issues and resulted in a user experience and financial success. [阅读详情]